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Napier's award-winning technology gets even better with the 1.12 update.

Napier’s 1.12 platform update brings new and exciting features to help companies manage and improve their AML processes.

Julian Dixon
August 27, 2020

Napier’s 1.12 platform update brings new and exciting features to help companies manage and improve their AML processes.

In order to help compliance teams, keep up with changing regulations and the resourceful minds of criminals, we have implemented our largest and most extensive product update.

We have completely transformed our Client Screening by include completely new features to further improve workflow and help compliance teams exceed the increasing demands of regulators.

Now the system can automatically screen clients at relevant intervals against sanctions, PEP and other watchlists. You can also review cases and intelligence data in detail and easily manage workflow, all in one simple-to-use graphical interface.

Below are a few key highlights of our new update:

• All new Client Screening Command Centre added for quick overview of activity and workflow

• Improved Sandbox to fine-tune screening configurations

• Enhanced matching capabilities to reduce false positives

• Full customer view to provide single AML/compliance synopsis of a customer

• Intelligence data viewer with graphical UI for rapid decision-making

• Highly efficient review process improvements to complement workflow

Find out more on the 1.12 update

For a full description of what has changed on our platform, see our 1.12 release notes.

Julian has more than 20 years of financial services experience gained at major investment banks including Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan and Commerzbank. His roles have ranged from front-office sales leadership to private equity. Julian has extensive knowledge of financial services processes and technology.
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